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VanClub's Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Compliance Policy


The purpose of this page is to explain the vanpool Participant's responsibility to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for Riverside County Transportation Commission's (RCTC) vanpool program ("VanClub").

RCTC's VanClub program is open to everyone and RCTC strictly prohibits discrimination in all its forms. VanClub's approved Participants agree to cooperate and act to ensure that no person shall be denied the opportunity to participate in, nor be subject to discrimination in the conduct of the vanpool because of a disability. Upon request of a Participant, a passenger, a potential passenger, and/or potential Participant in VanClub, the vanpool’s selected Vanpool Provider will provide a vehicle that is compliant with the ADA.

Compliance Requirements

In an effort to ensure that RCTC's VanClub enrolled vanpools are open to all, the Participants shall comply with the following:

  • Respond to any request to join their vanpool from a person requesting ADA modifications in the same amount of time that the Participant would respond to a request from an able-bodied person. Should no seats be available on their vanpool, this would include a request to be added to a waitlist as maintained by the Participant.
  • Consider any request to modify a route or schedule of their vanpool from a person requesting ADA modifications as the Participant would consider a similar request from an able-bodied person.
  • Charge an identical fare for a person requesting ADA modifications as an able-bodied person.
  • If the requesting person’s disability requires that the vanpool vehicle be modified so as to accommodate their disability, the Participant shall contact the Vanpool Provider to deliver an ADA compliant vehicle.

Need More Information?

For an overview of VanClub, visit this page on For those interested in forming a new vanpool, visit this page. If you would like to join an existing vanpool, visit this page and scroll down to "Join a Vanpool" and enter your origin and destination criteria.

Questions about complying with ADA requests can be addressed by VanClub staff at 844.VANCLUB (844.826.2582) or